
Social Media.

Maybe it’s not just children who are immature…

Children need good role models when it comes to navigating the complex world of social media. Kids are products of their environment; how they see their parents or guardians using technology and social media is how they will understand it. Teaching children to be good digital citizens begins in the home.

We spend a lot of time worrying about what children are doing online and how much screen time they are having without taking the time to understand how they’ve been taught to use their devices. If a kid sees their parent using the phone at dinner or not looking up from it when they are being talked to, that child is subconsciously being taught that this behaviour is okay and normal. When a child does the same thing it’s disrespectful and a distraction from their task.

As educators we are in an interesting position when it comes to social media and technology. We need to find a way to integrate the incredible technology that we have while maintaining a balance that doesn’t cause distraction. The better we understand the technology, the better we can connect and understand the culture and our students. If we can properly introduce technology and different forms of media in the primary years, the better students will deal with it in secondary years.

One way of doing this is what I’m going to the call the “20 and 2 Method.” There will be 20 minutes of teaching time, followed by 2 minutes of phone time. 20 minutes teaching, 2 minute phone and on it goes. If phones come out during the teaching time then the phone time is taken away. This creates a nice balance and allows for phone use in a constructive way. This strategy wouldn’t necessarily apply in most primary settings, but middle and high school it would be helpful.

As educators, we are role models in the classroom and online.

After meeting with Jesse Miller to discuss the social media and technology in the classroom, he gave us some book recommendations. There are attached below:

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